Contact me
This is a list of all my social media accounts across the internet, you can follow them all, or send me messages from them. Either, or even both are good for me
I have not got any profiles anywhere else, these links are all there are from me
Email is preferred as it'll get you a quicker response, the mighty Meta Corp usually fails to notify me about messages and comments, so your question may go unanswered as I haven't seen it. Not that I'm ignoring you, I promise
However if you have sent me a message via social media, or commented a question on a post and I haven't responded, send me a nudge via email as that pops up on my phone straight away
Please note I don't accept unsolicited friend requests on Facebook
Contact me
Email (Preferred)
• General email enquiries
Social media links
• Ian Hill (Personal page)
• (Official site page)
• Ian Hill (Mirrors the official Facebook page)
• Floofy and The Void (CATS!)
• Ian Hill (Might do something with this, probably wont though)
• Floofy and The Void (Registered to stop being nagged to do so)
• Ian Hill (Videos of cats and computers)
Google Play Store
• IWH Software (Not used for A G E S)
• Ian's Retro Museum (Retro gaming nostalgia)
• Prepare For Cats (Cats, what else?)
• (The original site)
• (Test site)
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© 2025 IWH Software (Ian Hill)