Twitterbots - Automating everything
In the previous pages we now know how to tweet text and images, shout-out to new followers, reply to mentions, and get trending hashtags. While this is all nice and that, we need more automation here... Pages in this series... Page 1: Overview Page 2: Tweeting randomly Page 3: Tweeting pictures Page 4: Tweeting new followers Page 5: Tweeting replies to mentions Page 6: Scanning for trending hashtags Page 7: Automating everything Vader has one more script that starts at boot, and periodically runs one of the scripts, the text and picture scripts run randomly, one of them will run once up to every three hours, the follower script will run at four hour intervals (03:30, 07:30, 11:30, 15:30, 19:30, and 23:30)The mentions script runs at quarter past the hour, every hour. My other twitterbots are staggered between these times I call this script, and it gets started from /etc/rc.local